Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Preparing To Hunker Down

 It is all reprising itself. The pandemic is exploding here and in Europe. We thought we might do some traveling soon but it is clear that all is going to be locking down so no reason to make reservations that are just going to be cancelled. But this time, at least for me, there is less denial and being upset. It has been clear in my eyes that the Western nations populaces clearly lack the discipline or seriousness to do what is necessary to get this particular contagion under control (unlike so much of East Asia). So all our hospital beds will be filled up shortly and there will be no choice but to either lock down again or accept a higher death rate. And if the latter happens, that means we old folk will need to pull in our horns and stay out harms way. But at least I know what to expect and have already changed my life to suit it. Plus I did get my month in Ghana. So that was a blessing.


alexis said...

oh no! Well, it does feel like deja vu, with Europe here a few weeks ahead just like the last time.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

This time I am ready for a lockdown! My shopping habits indicate that I do not worry about running out of toilet paper, but I can't bear the idea of running out of bran flakes. The seven boxes in my pantry will see me through to spring.