Wednesday, May 1, 2019

2019 Eurasia Adventure - Kalamata Wanderings

We have a day between Holidays. The 'never-ending Easter' is finally over. But on Wednesday will be May Day, International Day of Labor, so everything will be closed up again. The #3's had not done the 'Tour de Kalamata' yet, so we decided to walk up to where the castle, taking in the old town section along the way. Yet that was not the only thing that was never ending. We also have had the 'never ending 70th birthday' for wife.

Wife battling the Birthday Lobster

Then it is off into Kalamata
We will head up one of the main drags, Fanos Street
We made our way to the castle
And found out it was closed on Tuesday
However just being in Kalamata made #3 and 3A breakout into Greek folk dancing
#3 and 3A joyously posing
3.1 and 3.2, not so much
Checking out the views


#3 - Next in Line
Freaking best donuts just about anywhere
It's a family affair
Mother and Daughter
The daughter worked so hard to help 3.2 make a choice only to be dissed for a popsicle 

I made it up by buying both a donut and a great Greek coffee
Famous Greeks from Kalamata

Street Art from well known Street Artist

Other stuff on walls





alexis said...

given everything is closed I think we will be seeing a lot of Kalamata

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

We are all just counting the days until our 70th birthday so that we, too, will be rewarded with a birthday lobster.