Sunday, April 7, 2024

Around The World In 72 Days - On To Shanghai And The Fabulous Poo Lee Shah Experience

On Saturday, we (Wife, 2.2, 2.3 & I) bid farewell to Taiwan/Taipei and flew on to Shanghai China to visit Daughter #2 aka Pulisha (a name given to her during her very first Mandarin training in the Air Force as a teenager). With all her deep immersion into things Chinese with numerous years living and working, she does have this alternate persona of Chinese Dowager Authority Figure. We call this personal Poo Lee Shah.

In seriousness, it has been a hell assignment for #2 and family the last 3 years. They've been through numerous lock downs and forced evacuations that have uprooted their lives. They thought they would have tons of visitors. We are the first and only. It is bittersweet in many ways. But we are happy to have finally made it. It may be the only time we have to come here again (we were here in 2016), as it is harder and harder for a Westerner to make their way around China as a tourist. 

Our flight to China was short and uneventful but we had a long time waiting at the airport because of the checkout time from the apartment and the flight departure time. After all the running around in Taipei and the stress of the earthquake, we are actually looking forward to some down time to rest our bodies. On Sunday though, we did take a walk around the general neighborhood (remembering that this is a city of 30 million people, so a general neighborhood is a pretty large piece of territory. 2A wanted to give us a taste of all the local street culinary delights.

Best Soup Dumplings Ever!


Walking the Neighborhood

And file this picture under the folder, "Unusual Clothing Combinations)


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I'm glad you were finally able to go visit them! I love the duvet-style scooter apron, but would lose a toenail or a toe in 2 seconds flat if I wore shoes like that on a scooter.

alexis said...

I wonder if she is wearing pyjamas under that massive coat. Feels like that is what she'd do in the US