Tuesday, March 2, 2021

First Banana Bread

 I do very little baking. Actually I have done virtually no baking over my cooking life. This is because baking, particularly bread baking, is considered Wife's area of competence. When one suggests one would like to consider trying their hand at baking, let's just say one is not 'encouraged'.

Wife baked a bunch bread before she went in for her surgery. But we have worked our way through it and we have both had a hankering for something home baked. Thus it was that I was finally brought into the mysteries of the bread baking cult. After a week of purification in a remote sweat lodge subsisting only on French Roast Coffee, Smoked Salmon, Imported Mangoes, and Whole Paychecks Prussian Rye Bread with Imported Irish Butter, I felt sufficiently cleansed to undertake Wife's rigor.

One does not undertake a leap like this haphazardly. There is intense training. As in, "The recipe is there, in the cookbook. Follow it." Aye, Aye Mon Capitaine!

As it turns out, you can't get much easier a recipe than this one from an ancient Betty Crocker cookbook. You essentially take all the ingredients, put them in a bowl, mix them, put them in oiled and floured pan and bake. The whole process (once you've sourced everything you need) is about 30 minutes until cooking.

My Finished Product

It was a little on the dry side. I think I cooked it just a couple of minutes too late. Also because of work commitments, I left it out on the counter to dry too long as work things interfered.

Nonetheless, the flavor was good. Here I am using the sweetness of the bread to off-set the heat of Eggs with Red Chile Pork


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Welcome to the cult of baking! Presumably there are badges you can earn, under Aunt de-I's tutelage?

alexis said...

sigh! My family does not like to eat muffins or quick breads, and especially the banana is despised. So it has been a long time since I had banana bread. TBH a lot of it here gets served almost moist like a cake. I prefer the drier bread kind but that is even MORE hated in my house.

Thank goodness we can all get behind brownies.