Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Eldership Mission Launch - Hapsburgs and Renaissance

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to Europe we go.

Yes the Eldership de-I is off on another mission this time to the homelands of the Hapsburg Empire and the Italian Renaissance.

Of course its de rigeur that there needs to be a little drama before we go. So yesterday at around 5 PM my iPhone 5s decides that it has run its course of existence and dies...as in no response whatsoever to any charging, connecting to computer, anything. Fortunately there is a T-Mobile store within a couple of miles that was open to 9 PM. I got there and there was no customer there so I was immediately taken care of. There was no question of even trying to get it repaired...no time to do that. So it was get a new one, an iPhone 6. I've backed the old one up pretty regularly so, as is the usual case with Apple products, I was able to get everything restored relatively quickly.

Next post will be from the other side.


alexis said...

wow, look at you on the iphone 6 already! Safe travels and see you on the other side!

Agent W said...

So glad you were able to get a new phone and still have all your saved info!! Buon Viaggio!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Have a good trip! I can't wait to hear your reports while you're there.