Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Euro 2012 - England/Spain Part 10 - Transition

Travel day.  We have to get up early and be ready to get into the car at 6:15 AM so we can get to the Gatwick Airport, turn in our car and get checked into our flight.  There is a bit of an issue with the airline about the amount of luggage.  This is a discount airline and they are very anal about the luggage amounts.  I am sent away so we can avoid an international incident. 

After that things go smoothly.  Lia is very good in the plane.  Rob, in order to get us some extra luggage allowance ends up getting us upgraded as far as seats so there is more legroom.  Plus there is no one in Gloria’s isle so I move over and we have three seats for two leaving Alexis and Rob with the same.  This gives the Lia plenty of room. 

It is almost a three hour flight.  We get to Malaga and get the rental car, the same kind of Ford S-Max we had before so no troubles with the luggage.  We stop on the way for lunch.  A decent three course plate of the day meal with coffee and water costs us $11 a person, pretty good compared to what we’ve been paying in England.  
 The First Course was either a bean soup, a fish soup or a mixed salad

 The Second Course was either sausage cooked in wine or Dorade (a fish) with clams and mussels

 Dessert was either a piece of melon or a small flan.

 It is around 4:15 by the time we to the town with the rental.  It is high on a hill that requires a good bit of navigation, on very narrow roads with drop offs and very steep (some dirt) roads to get to it.  It was a bit hairy this first time up but as we do it more it becomes less of a challenge.  But the house itself is totally lovely.  As we are getting here a day before everyone else, we have this whole 9 room ex-mini-hotel to ourselves. 

Rob, Alexis and I go down into town again to get provisions.  We have light dinner and collapse after the long day.


Jules said...

Glad I didn't hear about you on the news for a disruption in the airport!

terri said...

It's amazing to me how different food looks and is prepared depending on where you are in the world. Makes me realize how limited I am in my food experiences.