Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Slow Descent into the Oblivion of Forgetfulness

I have never been a person for whom the past is that meaningful. I have friends that can go on and on in incredible detail about this event in their youth and that event 20 years ago, etc, etc. I don't remember any of that stuff...and never have. My life is much more in the now.

But with the advent of age, my lack of recall of the past is getting even worse. When I was at Lady Di and Lord Esteban's a couple of weeks ago, I totally forgot that they had visited us 5 years ago during the balloon fiesta.

Yesterday, I was reminding Wife that she has a birthday coming up in April. I said "And you're going to be 60, right?"

"No dear", she gently said, "I'm going to be 61. Don't you remember the party and the trip last year?"

"Oh yeah, that was the big surprise party I organized with all the kids coming in from out-of-town and the New Zealand trip. I remember,"

So when ever I see or talk to you next, don't assume I remember anything that we've done or talked about. Just assume each time you contact me that you have to remind me who you are, what our relationship is, and any open items we have.


terri said...


Yes. Hey, remember the last time we talked you said you owed me $10.00? Time to pay up.

Also, you promised I could fly down for a visit and you would prepare some of your best dishes for me to sample.

de-I said...

Only $10. Whew! Most of the others who just saw this sent me emails that owed them thousands!

But I do remember the offer to have you down for meals. Any time Terri :)

alexis said...

oh no dad - my memory is clearly descended from your side of the family. Can I still swap in those genes for moms?

Stef said...

so i'm not the only one that inherited your forgetfulness i see...

Anonymous said...

I have a bad habit of not remembering guests in my hotel...I'll check them in and then they stop by the desk 5 minutes later and I can't remember who they are.