Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Along with the new year some great power decided to completely de-energize the small business environment. After promising signs in the 4th quarter of last year, all decisions by owners on new projects (like the stuff I sell) have completely ceased.

This is the type of thing that can really eat into your self-confidence. Fortunately, in a sick sort of way, I have talked to many, many of my cohorts in various parts of the country and have confirmed that this is not just me but a national phenomena. And a lot of people are wondering when or if it will change. I have been through worse but it's never fun.


terri said...

It's got to get better soon.... doesn't it?

alexis said...

ugh, indeed you were more optimistic last year :(

Anonymous said...

You have more patience and a larger perspective than most, but this sounds tough.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

More time for you to focus on the Pig!!

Bernice said...

It always gives me cause for gratitude that DH is still employed.
Hope it improves quickly.

Mike said...

I'm sure things will pick up. All businesses have their ups and downs. You're a pretty sharp fellow. I'm sure you'll come through just fine.

Anonymous said...

that sucks :( I hope it gets better for you soon!