Sunday, March 3, 2024

How Far Have We Come?

As just a slight hint for loyal readers, a vast increase in the number of posts will arrive in the not to distant future. "Hmmm", you say. "Might this involve travel?" Well beloved blog follower, yes it might. 

I was doing some research for this 'project' and looking over some posts from 2016. This was only 2 years into our post transition life devoted to travel. We were taking our first significant trip to Asia and I wrote about getting there. I was quite taken by the length of time (27 hours), number of flights, being in business class and what it took to get business class, and dealing with international airports. 

Fast forward to 2024. Wife and I have done a fair bit more travel internationally. Shoot I have taken 17 trips to Ghana alone since 2019. Now we go through and look at the routes and consider among other things;

  • Length of the total flight.
  • The aircraft we will be on.
  • The quality of the business class seat.
  • The overall service on the airline.
  • Can we use points or is it a better deal to use $$.
  • What is the quality of the cuisine on the airline?
  • Will we have enough time after an overnight flight to catch a shower at the business class lounge?
  • Is it better to have a shorter flight with tighter connections or a longer flight with more time in between flights to reduce stress?
  • Is the trade-off of a lower cost worth the extra travel time? (Spoiler alert, less and less as we get older).
  • Understanding that 'airport world' is its own reality and every international airport is pretty much the same as any other.
  • 27 hours? That seems pretty much the norm for any significant international travel

Hoping to take this knowledge and experience and continuing to use it as long as we can.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

27 hours feels like a long time, but it's nothing compared to the months or years it took centuries ago.

You certainly have become professional travelers!

Bernice said...

G and I need to evaluate our trips after we return home. That would help make the next trip better. About all I have learned is to NEVER sit in the middle seat!!

alexis said...

I'd love to know ranking of cuisines on airlines!