Monday, April 11, 2022

Spoiled - Spoiled Rotten

 Let me throw myself on the sword of humility for truly I am not humble. I am spoiled. Spoiled Rotten.

Wife and I took a quick trip to the Salinas Valley & East Bay areas of Northern California to visit friends and family. As I mentioned in our last post, the visit with our friends was most relaxing. Then we had a too short, but joyous visit with #1 and family, meeting for the first time their dog, Auto (a really well behaved dog and pleasant dog I must say - this coming from a non-dog lover), and planning a trip in June with 1.1. and 1.2 to New York City.

But what this post is really about is my reaction to the traveling itself. Because this was just a normal, domestic, economy class travel trip. YUCK!

For almost all this pandemic era since 2020, my travel has been international and international business class. Priority boarding, lie flat seats, plenty of food and alcohol, I had virtually forgotten what it was like to fly like a 'normal'. It was, how to put it, unpleasant. Crowded together. Loads of people with no awareness of how their actions affected others. Cramped. Ugh. Truly my years and years of being the road warrior are behind me. 

If my embrace of the comforts and privileges of international business class put me in the category of the snobbishly, entitled elite, well then so be it. I know how I am going to focus my remaining years of traveling.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

It's great that you have the resources to travel that way. International travel is grueling and you've been doing a lot of it.

alexis said...

someone has to stare smugly at the rest of us as troop past boarding the flight to our plebian seats.