Thursday, August 12, 2021


 We have had a very cool, wet summer. How crazy is that? The rest of the country is burning up both in terms of temperature and in actual terms. But here in the Land of Enchantment, we've had a very early monsoon, lots of rain and significantly lower temperatures than recent years. Who knows why but we aren't complaining.

One group is not complaining at all and that is my dozen New Mexico Chile plants. This was haul from last weekend. There will be as many this weekend. Trust me. I am not complaining


alexis said...

omg they are so beautiful! And what of the peaches? Can we get a peach update? I suppose I can ask this weekend. :)

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Wow, what a great harvest! De-I Outfitters could run some green chili themed events.

Rob said...


(although the De-I green chili sauce was awesome too...)