Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Gothic Revival

 The reopening of our country to travelers both within our borders and from outside has led to a massive return of Gothic invaders. There are the Visigoths (Western-California), Ostrogoths (Eastern-Netherlands), and the Errantesgoths (Wanders - currently from Ukraine & Iraq but heading to China). Long time readers will remember that there are so many Gothic tribes and so many members of them that we assign them alphanumeric designations to keep track of them.

Intelligence indicated that the Visigoths would be the first to attempting to storm the de-I Sandia Outfitters Shangria-la Resort. So we decided to use diplomacy. We demanded one of their young as a hostage!

 Arrival of the Visagoth hostage 1.2

We had the entire Albuquerque Sunport evacuated as a security precaution

It was necessary to send evidence via selfie back to the tribal elders in the East Bay area that the hostage had been received safely.


 Even though you have a hostage, one must treat him or her well. If not, you bring the wrath of the whole tribe upon you. We took 1.2 to the Sandia Peak Tramway. Much to our surprise our young hostage was quite into contemplation.


But after much contemplation comes realization

Followed by Triumph

A Gastronomic Interlude

1.2 is enamored of the 'burger' in all its many and varied forms. He has a special place in his burger loving heart for the variations here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He loves many of the chains that are only found here in New Mexico. So I decided to organize a blind taste testing so he could determine which he liked best. We bought samples from Twisters, Bob's Burgers, and Blakes Lottaburger. Then I brought them home. Wife cut them up and put a sample of each on a plate with the samples numbered

We all had different ones we liked. But overall the concept was more exciting than the denouement because the burgers all got cold before we could eat them and a cold burger is just not a very good dish.


alexis said...

yes, same problem with burritos - difficult to heat them up with all that lettuce and other fresh veggie

JRR said...

beware the REDHEADs