Wednesday, May 12, 2021

My Newest Love

 No I have not given Wife the heave ho. What I have done is find another Asian Supermarket. For years I have gone to one that was (what I thought) the largest in town. I vaguely knew of this other one on the far south side of town. 


Come the pandemic and my preferred store is having less and less on its shelve. Of particular annoyance has been the lack of Phnom Penh style Fried Onion Paste. This has become my 'go to' condiment when I want an umami punch without fish or meat flavor. 


Today, I finally decided to venture to another store, one I know had been around for many years but had not gotten to because of distance reasons. I was amazed. The seafood was much more numerous and looked fresher. And where my old store had suddenly not stocking my Fried Onion Paste, the new location had it in vast quantities. 

I know where I will be going in the future.


alexis said...

hrm that does sound good!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I have two Asian grocery stores- the nearby, mostly had everything store, and the faraway, absolutely had everything store. I will look for this next time I'm at one of them. Would fried onions with MSG do the same thing? I have both of those ingredients on hand.