Thursday, March 19, 2020

Slightly Manic/Depressive But Mostly Up

Like all of us living in the locked-down (or nearly locked-down) world of Covid-19, it is an interesting exercise adjusting one's living patterns, work patterns and emotional patterns. I find myself bouncing around between being very depressed and morose to being very positive and upbeat.

On the depressive side, I simply don't have any confidence that our governments are truly doing crisis management with a depth of understanding. We know that as a country the U.S. ignored the planning that was necessary to be good crisis managers. Now we are seeing our political leaders basically winging it in a very dynamic environment with a ton of interrelated variables, many of which the leaders don't understand. This is particularly true of the economic variables. To hear leaders and pundits say the economy has the possibility of going into a recession is one of the most absurd things I have ever heard. You can't completely shut down vast portions of the economy and not have a recession result. Money has to flow in an economy for it to function. When you stop that flow, economies implode. It's that simple. So lock down an entire economy for months at a time and you are going to have a recession if not a depression. So as I hear our leaders and pundits seemingly wondering about this, I go into a funk because they clearly don't understand the consequences of their decisions.

So much for the depressive. Now for the positive...maybe even manic side. I am as busy as ever. I have replaced my entire business schedule with virtual meetings. I would say some of these are more productive than they would have been in person. I was to go to California this week. #1 had set up four meetings related to Theodora. We held each virtually. They were great successes with lots of good thoughts and follow-up ideas. I have had numerous meetings with clients and networking connections. I am impressed with the amount of positive thinking trying to figure out how best to make it through this environment. It gives me hope that even if our governments won't be good stewards of the economy that maybe the participants will!

One thing that is nice. Each of my days is full of activity, thinking, planning, building, working. I may be restrained physically but not mentally or emotionally.

1 comment:

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I've been a bit exhausted by the number of work video meetings I have, but it is amazing how much you can still do virtually.