Sunday, March 15, 2020

Making Lemonade From Lemons

How quickly life changes, No? We are all in sort of freefall as the effects of the world's reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic are turning into an almost complete closedown of public and economic life.

Wife and I had a big trip planned to start on March 31. That clearly isn't happening. Actually, we had pulled the plug on it a few days before the shit really hit the fan in terms of countries closing their borders and international travel grinding to a halt. I also had a couple of business trips planned but they are going by the wayside as well.

At first, I was really bummed, especially since there is work that we need to be doing in Ghana for Theodora Project. But there is nothing I can do about it. I will work through our people there until such time as travel resumes. But as it became clear that it wasn't just me but that the whole world was going on hold, I started to look at all the positive things this would mean for me.
  • I get some badly needed rest from the high-energy life I've been running the last year or so
  • I will be able to hike and get back into shape which I haven't been able to do
  • I will be spending a heck of a lot less money
  • I will be able to focus on my local business (even if I have to do it virtually) and hopefully get my income up as well.
  • I have a bunch of special things for my lunches in my freezer that I haven't been able to eat since I am hardly ever here.
In short, I plan to focus on all I can do to enjoy myself. I mean really have I been missing out on traveling and experiencing life the last five years? Hardly. And when this blows over as it will, I will be back out there again. In the meantime, I will be trying to make lemonade from these lemons...and maybe lemon tarts, lemon sorbet, lemon cake...

1 comment:

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Mmm, lemons.

I agree. My friends are also finding that they can spend more time with their kids and aren't rushing around as much. As long as you aren't missing wages, there are some benefits to staying at home.