Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Revolution Comes! One Plate At A Time

This is a follow-on to my last post.

I met the couple we had over for pasta last weekend to discuss business on Friday. Business completed, we were going to our cars. The husband of the couple, who is a relatively taciturn, understated person says to me,

"You realize that you have ruined us?"

(Me) "Oh?"

"Yes. We (wife and he) went to one of our favorite restaurants last night and ordered pasta."

(Wife) "It was NOT yours. Now we can never order pasta out again."

I wish I could say I felt guilty. I didn't

Bringing the light of true pasta one plate at a time.



Unknown said...

Oh! My goodness! This is a funny post! We totally agree with them! Your homemade pasta is to die for! Must try making pasta with the same Italian flour that you use. I have a long ways to go to even come close to matching your past mastery!!

alexis said...

you are the bringer of pasta truth to the New Mexico ignorant

de-I said...

Perhaps like St. Francis of Assisi, I will to will be sainted and they will build a Basilica with a statue of me rolling out a sheet of pasta dough