Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Reputation - Besmirched

I have spent years developing my well refined reputation for leading hikes in the Sandias of specific quality and experience.

When people hike with de-I's Sandia Outfitters (Our motto: You have nothing to lose but yourself), they don't just want a walk in the mountains.

They expect the distance they're hiking to be underestimated. The climb to be underestimated. The weather to be colder than anticipated. Or hotter than anticipated. They are looking for the unexpected thunderstorm, the hail, the beating rain downpour and lightening. They understand that bouts of potential hyperthermia and heat prostration are signature cards of our hikes. Unexpected plowing through snow drifts in May? Not a problem.

But what they don't expect is what happend today.


Both Wild Bill and Gaius Derf were with me. We went up. The weather was nice. We went down. The weather was nice. No volcanos. No earthquakes. Nothing. Just a nice hike in the mountains.

Trust me. This will not be repeated.


Mike said...

God... how terribly boring. Go back to the mountain and try again. And next time around, someone had better lose an extremity.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like me when I go camping..there's always something that happens...there hasn't been just a good, solid camping trip when I haven't encountered problems. Congrats on the nice hike!! No pictures on this one?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Clearly you're slipping! The bears were there, but they were just laying low until the weather turns.

terri said...

There's no shame in uneventfulness. Sign me up!

WeaselMomma said...

How boring. They are going yo be asking for refunds and a new guide.

stef said...

maybe it was because all 3 of you went? it seems like the exciting stuff only happens when it's just you and one other person. That must be the magic key...

de-I said...

Mike - extremity to be lost...but not mine.

Jules - no pictures. I left my phone in the car :(

Terri - you'd better talk to Derf and Bill before you sign up...and make sure your insurance is paid up :)

WM - I think everyone was so ecstatic to be back in one piece they forgot to ask for a refund.

Stef - Hmmmmmm

Unknown said...

The Derf wonders about this too!

Ah! The challenges are still to come!