We keep getting older but the desire for the adventure of travel beats within these aged hearts as strong as ever. However, as we deal with the slow, inexorable decline in capabilities, we have to be more and more creative in how we feed the fire of adventure.
In 16 days, Wife and I will be on yet another venture, different from any we have undertaken previously. The goal of this trip is to see if we can actually stay in one place for an extended period. We are going back to a town and apartment we experience when we were in Sicily last year, Cefalú. We had both observed that this town and apartment were as close to having everything we would want for an alternative living experience as anything we'd seen in the world.
So we made a decision, we were going to give it a try. We were going to commit to going to this one single place for 60 days! Two Months! Do you realize how crazy that is for Wife and I? The official 'crazed gerbils on crack' of elder travel! We are not just committed to giving this 'live in another place' experience a try but we are doubling down on our commitment. We will not be renting a car. In fact, one of the attractions of Cefalú was we could walk to virtually everything we need from our apartment.
Stay tuned for whether Wife and I find this new normal or go postal after two weeks.
sometimes slow is new!
This will indeed be a monumental change for you!
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