Monday, August 22, 2022


 These are the sweetest words I can hear. I look for them once a year. They are the words from my eye doctor after I've done various tests to determine if the glaucoma I have has started to deteriorate my vision any further. They are the words that tell me I am not going blind yet. 

I was 59 years old when I was diagnosed with glaucoma. Already some permanent damage had occurred to my retina. I was put on these eye drops. My Dad had been diagnosed with glaucoma at exactly the same age as I was. But these 'eye drops', these 'drugs' didn't exist then. He went blind. And it embittered his life to his end. So when I got the diagnosis, I was terrified.

But year after year, the effectiveness of these drugs showed their worth. There has been no deterioration since. Though each and every year when I have the test done, I wait with anxiousness. Is this the year, that the decline will finally set in?

I assume it will happen some year. But not this year.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

That is great news! Losing your sight would be extremely difficult. I have a friend who has lost much of her sight. She mourns it, but I'm grateful for her sake they she isn't bitter.

alexis said...

that is so incredible to hear. It is amazing what our technology can achieve. Maybe we don't spend enough time reflecting on those wonders enough