Wednesday, April 17, 2019

2019 Eurasia Adventure - Yerevan Sculpture And Cascade

We were scheduled to do a walking tour of Yerevan with the same guide we had yesterday. However it was pouring rain all morning. Since the bulk of the tour was going through outdoors areas of the city, the guide advised against doing it. We ended up just staying in our hotel room for the morning. To be honest after all the exposure to cold and wet the day before, we were a little beat up and needed the rest. So we finished our blog posts and both took naps.

We had talked about going to some museums but at around 11:30, the rain stopped and the sky started to clear up. I wanted to check out a rather substantial monument called The Cascade that I had seen while looking at Google Maps. So we headed out without too much of a plan in mind. And as usual, we found this case a ton of sculpture while making our way to the Cascade which, in fact, turned out to be pretty neat.

Off we go
In the general direction of the Cascades

When we discover a veritable outdoor art museum

Then we arrive at the Cascade
The Cascade is described on various sources on line as a massive work of public art that is meant to resemble a cascading mountain stream. Started in the 1980's it was finished in the early 1990's just as Armenia was achieving its independence. when you look at it from afar it looks as though it should be a massive fountain. But there are no images on line that show it to be such. It is a show case for both art and for viewing the city as well as being a monument in its own right.

One can climb the whole thing right up to that tower at the very top. But there is also a set of escalators inside along the left hand side which as well as bringing you up take you to the various levels of a modern art museum!

Here we go

Taking in the view

The very top was undergoing massive construction
The view back toward the city from successively higher platforms of the Cascade

Looking out toward the Lesser Caucasus Mountains

Tomorrow we are back on the road
We leave the Caucasus and head to a short visit to Istanbul where we are having a little alone time with Daughter #2! 
Very Sweet


alexis said...

a smorsebourg of art!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I've never seen a monument quite like that. It's a very creative design.