Monday, April 8, 2019

2019 Eurasia Adventure - More Exploring Baku

We had another day of wandering around this feast of cityscape and photographic opportunities. Spring really feels like it is taking hold and the day was much warmer.

Our plan was to take the free funicular up to where the Flame Towers are so we could get the view
But coming to the door it looked like it was a place selling birth control
Until I realized that word in Azerbaijani means 'Closed'

So our plans changed
We wandered the Old City near our hotel

A bath works that is still in operation
Everywhere we went the first two days, all the fountains were not operating
But joy of joys, they were bringing them on line today
But out my mercy for you my beloved readers I limited the number of water pictures I took

Legend has it that this statue represents the legend of Achmedshansur, who went to a famous fire temple run by the serpent gods. He got there on a Monday, close to death, after a heroic and arduous journey only to find the serpents closed the temple on Mondays.
My sentiments exactly toward the funicular operators

Beautiful buildings abound
The Carpet Museum

Even those from the underworld want to go to the Carpet Museum
The Sports Hall
A new shopping mall being built

The Baku Eye, Environs and Scenes from

The best vista of all
A pedestrian underpass

Not classified

The Poet Revisited
Remember my picture of this sculpture from a couple of days ago?
We were in the same area to actually get into the Shiranshah Palace Museum and noted a whole bunch of detail we had missed!

The Shiranshah Palace
The Shiranshah Dynasty went from the 12th through the 15th century, a time when Azerbaijan was strongly independent and gained great wealth as a way station on the Silk Road trading route

The Throne Room
Imagine this...
As this...
And you know this...
Is an item that needs desperately to come back
Location of the Palace in the Old City
Scenes from around the Palace

A friendly janitor who spoke no English held this flower so I could get a better picture
Then he went for his smoking break...right under the no smoking sign

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