Saturday, April 13, 2019

2019 Eurasia Adventure - The Son of Exploring Tbilisi

Today is our last day in the Georgian capital. I pulled up a blog I had researched before our trip about 9 neighborhoods to walk in for street photography. Damn if we hadn't already done 6 of them. So I mapped out a walk of our own that would include the Vera neighborhood we are staying in, crossing over the Mtkvari River to the Marjanishvili neighborhood. It was a day of classic (at least for Wife and I) city wandering taking in the feel of place.


Our near next door neighbor
The first of a lot of street art today
It is cleaning day
Variation on a theme by Wife
Continuation on themes from yesterday on the state of decay and gradual, very gradual, restoration of older buildings


It's laundry day too
The Marjanishvili Bridge
(It also has a couple of other names like most bridges and squares here)

Looking down the Mtkvari River

 Into the Marjanishvili district

Designed by a famous architect
The district's main street

A Russian Orthodox Church

A site that is a converted Soviet era factory

Turned into a totally modern hipster complex

Co-working space? Check
Millennial/Hipster space with requisite uncomfortable furniture

Millennials in deep conversation
Millennial Moms capturing Gen something children
More street art

More 19th century buildings
Most in need of renovation

 Another example of the communal balconey
A vintage car
Recognizing he has been captured by notorious blogger
Saw this beautiful chandelier in a wine shop but couldn't go in to take a picture because they were busy loading inventory
Statue of Alexander Griboedov

A vaguely familiar street art scene

Closing with Ye Olde Tourist Restaurant street
With 50 restaurants selling exactly the same menus 

But No.Wait.

Where do you think all the teeth that are extracted or lost by children go?
A happy place


1 comment:

alexis said...

that street art is on point!!