Saturday, September 8, 2018

Late Summer

This time of year, the very end of summer, the waning of the monsoon, the shortening of the days, the lengthening of the sun's light as it gets lower in the sky, are in my opinion, one of the wonderful times of the year to be in New Mexico. There sure are plenty of things that don't work well in this state, but by God, it is an incredibly beautiful place!

Now when I get to the trail head at 7 AM, the sun is barely starting to come up

And those long rays of light make all the plants look different

Point of Reference
Certain commentators on this blog have looked with a jaundiced eye at the landscape and my claims of how green it is. This picture is a reference point. I will return to this scene over the next twelve months so you can see that it is really, FREAKING green now!
Finishing meditation and seeing the first light of day

And the Monsoon continues to weave its magic giving us our much needed rain


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

The song "It's not easy being green", originally sung by Kermit the Muppet, came up on the radio today and I thought of you. In your case, it's not easy convincing people from rainier climes that that is green...

alexis said...

I didn't say that wasn't green for NM! Sounds like your itching for a fight. Just it's funny to compare. Our dry brown probably doesn't hold a candle to your brown dry.