Saturday, September 22, 2018

Fear Of Failure Turns To Terror From Triumph

I have been working for close to a year and half on a concept to offer volunteer business consulting in an international destination to promote local economic development. Starting with the concept, I looked at a number of organizations with which to promote it finding none where it would fit. Finally I was encouraged to consider Rotary International. I made many inquiries to Rotarians I knew from around the country. I made no headway. Finally one of my contacts here in Santa Fe, a young man of 37 who is a real go getter, decided to take this on. He introduced me to a number of people in Rotary who are doing international projects. One of these experienced hands told me,

     "You need to just join Rotary and do this yourself. This is a very decentralized organization and once you are a member you can approach any club in the world with your idea." 

I took his advice and Wife and I joined Rotary (she for other reasons). My mentor helped me draft a letter. I did a bunch of research on where I might promote this idea. I decided that I needed to do basic on-site research before even trying to create a proof of concept. Places that were developing but not impoverished were ideal and they had to have English as a main language. This led to Africa. Looking at various factors including ease of getting there (which is not great anywhere in Africa) and relative stability, I ended up choosing Accra the capital of Ghana. I found there were 23 Rotary clubs in Accra.

I created a mailing list. So I had my letter, email addresses everything ready to go. And sat on it for about 10 days. I had this feeling that I would send out all these emails and get zero response...end of game for idea. Finally on Tuesday, I pulled the trigger and sent them out. Within a day four clubs had responded - not just positively - but enthusiastically positively. By Friday I had two more clubs with interest. Almost 25% of the total. Now suddenly I realized I had a whole bunch of people with which to work and no real action plan.

I've been thinking about it and getting my desired outcomes and goals in order to put together a plan. Today, I went online to see about getting a free ticket using miles. Not only did I get the days I wanted, but I got great connections, not the usual thing that happens using miles for flights.

I am getting a feeling that the Gods may be on my side here. We'll see.


Tom P said...

Awesome! Africa, here you come!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

This is really exciting news! I'm so happy to hear about their interest!

alexis said...

I am sure those 10 days were just to allow the airline universal particles to align to get you as well those great flights. Super exiting what you're doing.

Rob said...

Interesting article about African development from the Guardian yesterday -