Friday, September 28, 2018

Road Trip 2018 - Day One Review

First officer de-I here. Please be advised that Wife has stated that for the duration of this Eldership voyage she will be henceforth referred to as:

Captain Spouse

We started forth and of course had to have the mandatory crisis. In trips pass we've had phone failures, computer failures, credit card failures, on and on. In this case we walked out to the garage to pack the car and discovered that a fluorescent light in our garage was dangling by just its electrical wires because the mounts had broken loose from the drywall on the ceiling. I won't go into our attempts to either reattach or disable the electricity to the light but we couldn't get a solution. Fortunately we've been able to contact our handyman who will go in the morning and take care of it.

Then we started trekking across New Mexico and Texas. We will ultimately make our way to Louisiana. Today was mostly a transit day. It is pretty easy driving. While on State and US highway roads, there isn't a whole lot of traffic and the speed limit is high. It is actually less stressful than going on the Interstate. There were a couple of crazy places in Texas where the speed limit is 75 mph but there are all kinds of roads and businesses joining the highway. We saw in a fairly short time period two accidents in these areas that had happened just minutes before we arrived at the scene.

The terrain is flat...I mean flat, flat. There's lots of agriculture and oil wells. You pass all kinds of school districts with all kinds of interesting local pride in their athletic teams. There's the Texico, New Mexico Fighting Wolverines, the Trent, Texas Fighting Gorillas, the Muleshoe, Texas (wait for it) Fighting Mules, and the Shallow Water, Texas Fighting Salamanders. 

We are spending the night in Abilene. Tomorrow we are going to do a bit of touring in the Texas Hill Country.


alexis said...

ah flat Texas, did you pass the largest cross in the western hemisphere?

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Wow, I think it would be great to be a Fighting Salamander. Beware my slimy skin!