Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bits and Pieces

I was out in Connecticut visiting Dad last weekend and didn't get back until Tuesday night late (more on that later). Then I had a very busy work schedule the rest of the week. A lot of ideas for posting were in my head but I never got around to them. But will try to catch up now.

Example of Genetic Influence

One of the things that Dad seems to enjoy when I visit is when I do some kind of cooking. As it is Passover season, he had a hankering for Matzo Brie, which is kind of like a French Toast thing made with Matzo, the unleavened bread you're supposed to eat during Passover. Of course, we can't just make it. We needed to do our research (call Jewish friends of his, check cookbooks, research on line). Based upon our research and his memory, we consolidated a variety of techniques. He got out of the wheel chair in order to do the critical water soaking step (Matzo is hard and has to be soaked - lightly! - in order absorb the egg/milk mixture). Not even impending death will keep us from our cooking. The result was deemed very good.

Slow de-I Sandia Outfitter Start

I fear that trash talk that has filtered on-line from disgruntled clients (i.e. those that survive), is having an effect on new business. I was supposed to take out two clients today. One called and said they had given themselves a stomach virus in order to cancel the reservation the Wife had made. The other evidently hit himself in the knee with a hammer to get out of the reservation that his business partner had made for him. And it was going to be perfect today. The day started out nice but then this big ole storm came in with gust up to 50 mph - ideal for 'losing' people on the trail. Oh well. We'll certainly find someone who doesn't check the Internet. In the meantime, I got out, up, and down just for my own enjoyment well before the storm hit.

First Harvesting from the Garden!

The early stuff from the garden is already to be used! We've got parsley and oregano (herbs Julia) that are perennials in abundance. We picked young tender kale and chard for our salad at lunch. Other greens are also ready. You just have to be careful on how many you pick as the plants are still young and don't have that many leaves.


terri said...

I like that you were able to enjoy some creative cooking with your dad. A bit of normalcy amidst the chaos of late.

I'm jealous that you're already harvesting some home grown produce. Mark just tilled our gardens. Not sure when planting will happen. It was 73 degrees today. It's thunderstorming right now. There's a chance of snow for tomorrow. Drawbacks of the north.

Mike said...

Sign me up for a Sandia Outfitter session. I'm not scared of a little ol' mountain. I also don't know anything about the Internet.

Jules said...

I saw your comment on the herbs! I think I understand now. I'll just have to remember it!

Jules said...

I saw your comment on the herbs! I think I understand now. I'll just have to remember it!

alexis said...

oh, I love matzoh brie! That is a wonderful story, thank you for sharing.