Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I like being alone. I like time to myself without others around. And I am basically an early person. I love the early morning when the world is very quiet. My typical schedule is getting up at 5:30 AM, meditating for 40 minutes, then showering and heading off so I can make a 7:30 or 8:00 AM breakfast meeting.

My exercise of choice is walking (hiking is the once a week big event). I will do a 45 minute loop that takes me to the valley at the foot of the mountain out of the neighborhoods and into the open space of the national forest. To get this in with my regular schedule means getting up an hour earlier, 4:30 AM. I will do that a couple of times a week.

During the summer when it is light early and it gets hot, lots of folks are out during the 5:30 to 6:00 AM time slot. But not during the winter. Exercising in the winter is an ideal time for obtaining solitude. It's cold (for here). It's dark. And it's quiet. If you do see anyone, they're just shadows anyway.

This morning when I went out, it was particularly wonderful. The moon was full. The mountains were bathed in that soft moon light. And we had gotten a dusting of snow over night. Just enough that the bushes and trees were soft and rounded. And the mountains glowed even more in the moonlight.

And there was no one. Not a soul that I saw during the whole walk. Just the beauty, the quiet, the peace and me.


Jules said...

That sounds wonderful! well, except for the 4:30 a.m. part, though if I do any kind of workout it has to get done before 11 a.m. otherwise I won't do it.

alexis said...

were you always able to get up this early? I mean yes probably early but 4:30 is quite early.

Mike said...

I like solitude as well. You certainly will never find me waking up at 4:30 am to achieve it, though, nor walking around outside in the snow.

terri said...

I think I'm a lot like you in the need for some solitude. And I'm an early riser, though I don't tend to go out alone during the 4:30 - 5:00 time frame. I'd like to. I just feel a little nervous about it.

Weekends when I awaken early always give me some nice quiet time. I find it easiest to write then... before others get up and televisions go on.

Pulisha said...

I knew I got this craziness from somewhere. Everyone thinks I am nuts for getting up so early just to work out, but I value that time alone in the wee morning when not a soul is stirring more than anything else. I know just how you feel!