Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chicago Bits

I was in Chicago for three full days of business. This was the first extensive travel I've done since the illness. Our schedule was very busy. We were doing significant strategic planning for three of our clients with two hour sessions with each of the three on each of the three days. This kind of work requires you to be very engaged and uses a lot of energy. When I flew up on Tue afternoon, I was tired on the plane. I didn't eat much that night and was very cold. I was very worried that I was relapsing.

But on Wednesday morning I was fine. I was catching naps whenever I could but I have to say that overall I didn't have any problems fulfilling my duties and for the most part felt OK.

Bits and Pieces

As I get around a bit, I see lots of public bathrooms. When I see a noteworthy one, I want to capture it. Look at the one below. Pretty nifty huh. Where do you think it is? High class hotel? Expensive restaurant?

How about a Korean BBQ joint in an OK but hardly upscale part of town.

One small step to remove Lakeview Coffee's ability to torment me.

Now I have admitted that one of my major reasons to go to Chicago is to push Lakeview Joe off of anything resembling his normal eating and drinking patterns. (Truth be told, it's really not much of a challenge.)

But Joe gets in as good as he gets. He takes full advantage of my innate klutziness by insisting that we always get Starbucks coffee then putting me in situations where I'm almost guaranteed to have some spill on using all the coffee cup holders in the car and then driving on the most bumpy streets he can find...or refilling just before we have to walk long ways from parking lots, upstairs, going through sign in security...etc.

However, I have now found the way to thwart this diabolical action. The green Starbucks stopper!
I've known about these but just never remember them. What a god send. So go Joe. Go over the bumpy road. Make me fumble with my coffee and brief case to sign us in at Tribune Building security. I am not the new protected, confident coffee carrying de-I. (except when it spurts out of the little vent hole when I'm trying to get my drivers license out for said security).


Anonymous said...

That is a *very* snazzy bathroom.

I'm glad the good health is holding :)

terri said...

Considering that your immune system may still be somewhat compromised, it's not surprising that travel took its toll on you. I'm glad you bounced back quickly. Probably not a bad idea to keep squeezing in naps where you can.

alexis said...

I think there are some restaurants in Amsterdam the size of that bathroom. Generally they are the size of a toilet and room to stand here.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

And the picture is just the common area sinks, with the bathrooms on either side. Pretty cool and very surprising.

I'm guessing Starbucks will be "out" of stoppers on your next visit. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

Anonymous said...

lol they need coffee sippy cups for grownups.

I love that bathroom. That reminds me of George on Seinfeld and how he always knows where the best bathrooms are located in NYC.

Mike said...

That IS a pretty snazzy restroom!

And I've never seen those little stoppers at Starbucks before. Are they new?