Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Terri - No Need to Share!

My organ depletion buddy Terri lives in Minneapolis/St. Paul, where winters are cold, long, snowy, dark, depressing, etc. I on the other hand live in Albuquerque where winters are short, mild, snowless, and sunny.

Terri, I know you have a sharing spirit but really you don't need to go to the lengths that it takes to share this with us.

Our Temperature at 7:30 AM


terri said...

Seriously? You are SUCH a party pooper!

Really, the winters aren't SO bad. We deal with them by drinking heavily and sleeping a lot.

Pulisha said...

Mom told me she wants to move to FL, lol. Our high today was 75...and that was because it was cloudy! :)

alexis said...

laugh it up now Lisa - you know karma has your first FSO post in someplace like Siberia, right?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Brrrr, though today it was -3 this morning in Chicago. It did warm up nicely though. Some of the snow even melted! Not nearly enough though....not nearly enough.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. I hate the cold. A week ago it took me 30 minutes just to get the two inches of ice off my car enough that I could drive to work. Then I found out I couldn't even move my car out of the snow and ice it was in, so I had to call Mike from our parking area, wake him up, and have him work some magic on my car so I could go to work. Ugh. I'm ready for the spring.