Sunday, February 13, 2011

Battle of the Bulge - Let the Cooking Begin

Now we begin to delve into how you make meals for under 400 calories that is also satisfying in terms of flavor and hunger abatement. (Disclaimer - To make this work it really helps to like to cook!)

The goal - a wide range and variety of meals that do not take forever to make

There are three components that are the building blocks. These are:

  • Raw Materials
  • Flavor Combinations
  • Cooking Techniques
Your flavor combinations and cooking techniques are the foundation. A relatively limited number of these provide the ability to take your basic ingredients and create variety.

Next - Flavor Combinations.


alexis said...

I smell a book coming! Diet cookbook?

terri said...

Raw materials? What does that mean? Do tortilla chips, shredded cheese and a microwave count as raw materials? Details, man. I need DETAILS!