A week before I was to head out to Ghana, one of my fellow Board Members of the Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking, E, sent an email out to me and the ladies of Theodora who are in our club. E's brother, Mark, a prior President of Rotary International, and now a Trustee of the Rotary Foundation was doing a tour of Africa. He was stopping in Ghana. They would be giving him a gala dinner just two days after I arrived. Our club President asked if any of our people would be willing to go as it would be great if our little Ghana contingent could be seen at such an event.
Much to my surprise, virtually our entire team with the exception of the one who is a recent mother decided to go.
I had my own thoughts as to what would happen and I tried hard to tamp down expectations. There would over a hundred people. All would be clamoring for attention from such an important personage. Since 'E' was speaking to her Brother and Sister-in-law, I was sure we'd get a small shout out. Mainly, I wanted to show the women how one works a room such as this as none has had any kind of experience such as this.
Despite all my years coming to Ghana and experiencing "Ghana-Mahn-Time" which is like "Manana" on steroids, I cannot shake my American punctuality upbringing. So we arrived when the event was supposed to start. First thing we encountered was a classic case of Ghanaian petty power. In a very hierarchical society where those with more lord over you, many with any authority have a tendency to lord it over those they can.
At the reception desk, they didn't have a name for our reservation. We had a copy of our payment receipt but no, the person in charge said if there was no name on the list we couldn't get in. We had to go over to the side and wait until we could contact the person who'd purchased the tickets for us. I was close to pulling an 'African World Airways Meltdown' but I kept it under control and we in due course were allowed in with apologies from one of the staff leaders and glares from the petty tyrant.
Of course no one was there. The room wouldn't fill up until almost 45 minutes after the official start time. We were by ourselves.
My team cooling our heels waiting for things to happen

I decided some alcohol lubricant would lighten the mood which it did.

As more Rotarians arrived, some of the people I know got me into conversations. Then as we got close to the time the unexpected happened. The District Governor, a woman who had met one of woman when she went to a club meeting with my main Ghana partner and benefactor Jonas, came to our table. Past Rotary President and Trustee Mark wanted us...All Of Us...to come to their table.
So off we went through the room go meet PRP (Past Rotary President) Mark and his Wife Gaye. And they greet us so warmly. And Gaye insists on taking multiple pictures...all while the MC is trying to get the meeting started.

Me hobnobbing with the PRP
As we returned to our seats, I saw a couple of our women make eye contact with the lady who'd given us such a hard time and grace her with a some malicious smiles. Our women have spent a lifetime being disrespected so I can't blame them.
Then Mark was called up to do his presentation.He starts talking about how important it is for Rotary to be innovative to get new members. He talks about the move during his term to creating different kinds of clubs. He talks about his Sister's journey, she who had no interest in Rotary at all until the unique Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking came to her attention. Then Mark said,
"And we have members right here in Ghana who are members of that club."
And he had us stand up for recognition, the only club so recognized.
We were all blown away!
Our Rotary event experience.