Sunday, February 16, 2020

Ghana Trip Five - A Non-Work Interlude

Because of my better scheduling with more rest in the beginning and a slightly lighter schedule during the week, I was much more rested for this coming weekend. Whereas in the past on weekends here, I have mostly collapsed and recuperated, I was up for trying something different this trip. Therefore, when M asked if I wanted to accompany her on a photo shoot, I was up to give it a try.

First, a little bit of background. When I was first introduced to M last year, her self-image and self-confidence were incredibly low. But shortly after we met, she had an opportunity to have pictures taken by a professional photographer. I remember her being absolutely terrified before she went and absolutely ecstatic afterward. The photographer evidently was great at getting her to understand her innate attractiveness. Ever since, she has loved to have her picture taken (like many young women here she is very, very active on social media like Instagram) and when she has the money, she will hire someone to do a shoot of her.

In this case, they were heading out of town to go to a resort about two hours away and were going to do a variety of different types of shots including some business shots for her personal assistant business and some more glamour type of shots. The photographer had me check a number of YouTube videos on model posing before we went.

It was a very, very long day. Hot. I was amazed at how M held up over the day.  She had brought about 6 different outfits and changed her make up in between. The picture taking was quite enlightening. I think I really learned a lot and grew. The photographer even let me handle some poses and shots which was cool.

I ended up with a lot of pictures and hope to have time to go through them and post a few in the near future.

Back to work tomorrow!

1 comment:

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

How cool to have a new photographic experience in the midst of all the work.