Sunday, May 20, 2018

2018 Eastern Mediterranean Trip - Day 25, Market Day

As it turns out, our apartment is right on a street famous for its Saturday market. We had decided it would be a rest day. So we got up late, ate breakfast and was immediately engulfed by the transformation of our street into market. I was so motivated by our tour and the markets yesterday that we bought food and I cooked up a nice big dinner for us.

Step outside the door and voila
I was too busy shopping to take many pictures but I saw the largest radishes ever
Back at the apartment it was time to cook up the bounty

Lay out the cherries and strawberries for snacking while dinner was being prepared
As in so many rentals, there is precious little in the way of seasonings or flavorings
In our case we had salt, pepper, and oregano
At least they had plenty of olive oil
But it is fresh garlic season in Greece so I picked up some of that 
For our menu we had some lovely fish fillets (of unknown fish), some new potatoes, and mushrooms.
I marinated the fish in the garlic and olive oil with some salt, pepper and oregano for a few hours.
Then sauteed
The potatoes were simply boiled and buttered
Cooked in more olive oil and garlic
When the fish was done
I made a deglazing sauce with wine, water and the juices of the fish
Dinner plated up
One of the joys of traveling - eating the excellent bounty of places you're visiting
Especially for us being in the middle of a desert, in a country not known for good fish, having superb fish to work with is a blessing

After our mid-afternoon meal, I needed to go to an ATM and caught the scene of the market being torn down

And before I went to bed, I took a picture of the Parthenon from our rear balcony


1 comment:

alexis said...

I was gonna say if the fish wasn't good in Athens, I might give up on commercial fishing altogether!