Monday, July 23, 2012

A Little Piece of Paradise

We hear at de-I's Sandia Outfitters (You have nothing to lose but yourself) know that if you want attract the customers you have to have interesting places to go.  So guide Wild Bill and I are always on the look out for new and interesting places we can put in our promotional materials (can't catch bees without honey)

Think of yourself on a de-ISO trip.  You meet your guide.

 "Hi Guide Bill!"
(Looks a bit rough around the edges doesn't he honey?)

Your guide starts leading your through the mountain woods

"Come on wimps.  Keep up the pace!"

Until finally you come to it.

The Lone Tree

You sit under The Lone Tree and take in the panaroma

Then the Sandia Outfitter guide tells you if you climb a bit more you can see the other side looking back over Albuquerque.  You go on up.

Then he says just go a little further out to the ledge

And if you are a faithful reader, you know what happens next.

Another successful trip.


alexis said...

just like I was there in person! Even felt a little drop in my stomach at the end.

terri said...

So... you lost yourself!

Jules said...

I like the lone tree