Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wife Cooks

Wife is on a streak trying new things.

But first an image from the hike this weekend. There is still lots of snow on trails. I went with Wild Bill up where we've been the last couple of weeks. We got up to the 2.5 mile mark which is the intersection of a couple of major trails and from that point on there were NO footprints. No one had gone further and we haven't had any new snow in almost 2 weeks. We did plow ahead in the virgin snow for a bit but decided we were tired enough. Hiking in the snow even if it is packed down is more tiring. So on to Wife.

Wife decided that she wanted fresh bread more often so she bought a bunch of tiny bread pans, made dough and froze it in small sizes. You then take the dough out in the evening and put it in the refrigerator. Next morning you take it out and let it rise, then bake. Presto a small loaf of bread good for a couple of days.

Wife with that smile that says, "If you post this on your blog, you may be missing various body parts tomorrow morning"
We had Wild Bill and Jill over for dinner and Wife wanted to make a light dessert. She had some strawberries and decided to chocolate coat them. An Internet search gave her this cool ideal to put them on toothpicks stuck in Styrofoam so they wouldn't be flat on one side.

A little white chocolate designing

And the finished product served with Wife's homemade strawberry liqueur from the summer.


terri said...

I'll be praying that all of your body parts are still intact tomorrow morning. Sleep with one eye open tonight!

There really is nothing better than fresh bread - still warm - with a big slab of butter on it. Your wife is definitely onto something with her mini-loaves.

And the strawberries look delicious! And so pretty too!

Mike said...

Homemade bread is delicious! That's actually a really cool idea.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Ha! I "made" fresh bread this weekend too. Multigrain....absolutely freaking delicious.

alexis said...

mom was on a kick this weekend! I gotta say the mini bread thing is pretty inspirational. Wonder if it would work in wet Netherlands?

WeaselMomma said...

That looks delicious, both the bread and the desert!

You have to tell us what body parts you are now missing. I assume that it's not your hands and that you will be able to continue posting.

Anonymous said...

making homemade bread is time consuming but worth it. That dessert looks delicious!