Sunday, January 20, 2008

Not Much

Not much of anything to report. I was on the road again last week spending the first four days in Chicago before going on to Wichita. It will be on to the Bay area and LA next week for three days. In the meantime I will fall back on a time tested posting technique, pictures featuring the Pulisha clan.

Mr. A showing off his prowess at standing up himself up.
He wasn't doing that when I left last week!

Miss C showing her prowess as vegetable cutter
(also her prowess as vegetable eater since only about 60% of what she was cutting avoided her mouth and made it into the bowl)

Miss J showing her coolness and "above it all" attitude
(She is a two year old you know)

Finally Pulisha and Tim de Buffalo
This was just after they got back from signing a lease for their own place.
This week's contest - What was Tim de Buffalo saying when this picture was taken

  1. Thank goodness I can escape from de-I's clutches
  2. I can't believe the New England won again
  3. If de-I feeds me truffles for one more meal I swear I'm going to....
  4. Hmmmm, being puked on or changing a horrible diaper. Which would be better.


alexis said...

"is he taking a picture again?"

And no pics of this new house??? Spoilers!

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

I'll go with the New England comment. Being a Bills fan, he was at least thinking it!!

Congrats to them for leasing a place!!

Anonymous said...

I vote for the last option!

stef said...

Hooray! So glad the house worked out!