Thursday, May 30, 2024

Around The World In 72 Days - Kumasi

Kumasi, in south central Ghana, is the ancestral home of the Ashanti people. For more information on the interesting history of the Ashanti Kingdom go here. My guide here is a co-worker, NAS, who is from this town originally.

Kumasi has all these motorcycle based taxis like you see all over SE Asia (and I understand India and Sri Lanka). You don't see them at all in Accra nor did we see them in the Western Region.

Making our way to the Kumasi Central Mosque

 I just love the vulcanizer concept. So creative and appropriate for what is needed.


 Into the interior

 Wife getting ready to preach from where the Imams give their sermons.

 Then it was on to the Manhyia Palace Museum.

We had hoped this would be covering the entirety of the Ashante Kingdom history. No it is basically a glorification of the current King's line dating to 1870 with all kinds of stuff like "This is where the King had his desk," and "Here is the original refrigerator (this was actually shown) and it still works!" opens the door to show a freezer section that has not been defrosted in decades. It was dreadfully boring. AND they would not let you take any pictures. So you get...

One big tree


And some gates

 A visit to a craft center was more fruitful though we had the usual issue with people wanting us to buy things we don't need or want.

Drum makers

 Wax carvings for metal casting





 A painter

 Just a picture

 Our last stop was at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. We were wandering the campus and came to a fine arts section (which seemed a bit out of place for  science and technology university). There was a sculpture garden with work from students past. I was quite taken with it.

Campus hanging out area

An instructor let us wander into an area where they were doing beginning clay work and I chatted up some of the students.

After all our travel ordeals, we were pretty wiped out.  We went out for a completely forgettable Chinese food (half of what was on the menu was unavailable), bought some snacks and ice cream and called it a day.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Seeing the university was a great opportunity.

I hope Aunt de-I's sermon was edifying...

alexis said...

Sounds like you guys are running on fumes! Hang in there.