Thursday, May 18, 2023

Happy 15th Year Kidney Donation Anniversary!

Yup. 15 years ago (not exactly today, four days ago on the 14th of May 2008), I learned that I had a great future in supplying human body parts. Then I found out that since I was 60 at the time, the window of opportunity for selling of parts of me had closed. I could see doing liver donations, bone marrow donations...the profit-making possibilities were endless. But alas, with the kidney, it was one and done. 

It is so interesting how what at the time was this super intense experience has now faded deeply into memory. Thankfully, I had already started blogging then and wrote an extensive, detailed history of my experience. As I usually do on the anniversary, I go through those posts because I really don't want to forget how deep an experience it was. 

For those of you who have nothing better to do OR who might have someone in your life who is thinking of doing the Living Organ Donor thing, here is the initial post of the series I wrote on the experience. There are some 20+ posts covering April, May and June of 2008.


alexis said...

Can't believe it's already been 15 years! We are so placed in the now. Blessed that you are healthy AND can still consume salty foods and booze.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I went back and reread that too. What an amazing experience.