Saturday, October 1, 2011

This Post Is Brought To You By - Work!

I don't know who turned on the faucet and I am not complaining after 8 months of business blah, but suddenly things are going crazy (as in crazy good). On top of that - mucho travel this month. This week it's Chicago, Reno, and Las Vegas. I'm giving two talks - one for a group of trust companies and the other for an association of debt collection agents. I like to think of it as book ending the financial world - those with gobs of money and the dead beats.


alexis said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed that business = money coming in as well!

terri said...

Busy is good!

Anonymous said...

Yay for the increased business! Are you getting ready for the cold weather to impact your travels?

Mike said...

Congrats on the newly-found clients. Hope everything goes well. How exciting.