Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why I Hike - A Meditation

I haven't been in the best of moods. Usual stuff relating to work and money. I should be beyond getting attached to this stuff by now. I'm going hiking.

I walk from my house.

I start to repeat my mantra. It's not a deep feeling. I'm just doing it. But I'm not thinking about stuff either.

I enter into the city open space and on to the wilderness area.

It's not too difficult. I enter into the valley going along the slopes to the north.

I'm still repeating my mantra. I'm concentrating on where I'm going and maintaining a reasonable but not too hard a pace.

The path makes a 90 degree turn and I start climbing in earnest.

Now I have to really focus on what I'm doing.

It's hard work.

I am breathing hard.

I need to totally focus.


The legs hurt.

It's really steep.

I get to my destination.

I turn around and look.

My mantra swells up within me - a voice all its own.

It's energy fills me with gratitude and joy - appreciation for all I have and how lucky I am.

I descend.


terri said...

This makes me want to experience a hike like yours! Beautiful photos.

alexis said...

and what lovely weather you had for it! Sorry work and money still get to you, I guess that is part and parcel of being on your own...

WeaselMomma said...

Small world, I get that same feeling when I hike to the fridge and crack open a bottle of Coors Light!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you live where you can hike.

Tim said...

Did you write any poems while on top of the mountain? =-)


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Just don't get lost in your mantra so much that you forget to watch out for Bears!!

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to hike!!

Mike said...

Very cool. What an awesome view from the top. Thanks for sharing these photos.