Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Musings on One's Relative Position in Life

I've been meaning to write this for a few days but I'm in LA working up a storm (Yay! Thank you great business Gods for blessing me!) and I'm off to Austin tomorrow afternoon.

Going back to a couple of years ago after the kidney donation experience and the long recuperation, the awareness of age, limitations, and the requirement of having to keep going for quite some time (making up for a past business failure in my 40's) has kind of weighed on my mind.

In the last year, my two best hiking buddies have both retired, Wild Bill and Gaius Derf. A lot of age peers who are professionals in Albuquerque are definitely winding down. On the other hand, my business seems to be building up. Not just in terms of actual numbers (clients, revenues) but in terms of our capabilities...we're doing new things and we're doing better at what we've been doing.

Then I had the trip recently to France and Italy and I came back totally motivated. I felt great. My energy was great. And my head was saying, "I can keep doing this. I can work hard so long as I get these great rewards on a regular basis". It was very freeing because it really made age a non-factor.

Another thing, one the age issues relates to all the aches and pains, the physical stuff that start to build. That's another thing that just drags you down. Another change that took place is that I just don't seem to be paying attention to them as much any more. It's not that they aren't there. They are. It's just that I seem to have made some internal decision that they don't matter because I can do what I've been doing with them being there.

All very strange and interesting.


terri said...

Well, whatever it is, it seems to be working for you! I want that kind of attitude and awareness too. How great would this world be if everyone had such an optimistic view on life?

Mike said...

Very cool. It's awesome that your business continues to grow. That's not an easy thing to do. You've got a great attitude.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

It is odd how the aches and pains are there but you press on. I do it with ibuprofen....I don't know how the hell you do it.

alexis said...

that is a great realization! Those sorts of epiphanies baffle me. I wish we could control when they happened.

Anonymous said...

You can do what you put your mind to!