Sunday, October 3, 2010


It's always hard for me to find posting material after one of my trips. I look at traveling as great fodder for writing. Everyday life, not so much.

I came back from Europe really energized. We walked all over the place and never felt any of the aches and pains that have been gradually becoming the undercurrent of my life. I realized that I want to do a lot more of that which means working hard and continuing to make money. Which is fine because I like my work and I earn in proportion to the work I do. In a lot of ways, my life pattern is about 10 years behind my peers. I'm realizing that not only do I have financial desires that are more in line with someone in their 50's but I have the energy too. So I'm just going to keep on truckin'

There's lots of business travel coming up. I have a client in Texas that I have to fit into the normal LA monthly trips. And I'm giving talks in November in the Monterrey-Salinas area plus we're visiting the 2-2B family for Thanksgiving and have a trip to see o-I as well.

Still harvesting stuff. Lots of raspberries coming in along with the tomatoes and peppers. We have a couple of different kinds of melons and a picked the first of our leeks.

I'm picking up my hiking. I've moved to trails on the west side of the mountain since it's cooling off. Did a nice longer hike on Saturday.

Pretty much life as usual


Anonymous said...

Oh, leeks! I wanted to grow them once, but after I planted them I realized what a long growing season they require. So we ate them as chives.

It's great that your so energized about your work, and about travel!

alexis said...

I was wondering about your energy levels - I'm glad you set it all out here!

I can't believe you're still getting stuff from the garden! Leeks I always thought were a spring thing, is it different in NM?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Mmmmm raspberries. I do like raspberries.

I didn't see a mention of a trip to Chicago! Our clients may not be as happy about that as I am. :-)

Bernice said...

What a match. Mrs. d-I grows them and you cook them.

WeaselMomma said...

Don't forget to balance all of that work with friends and family. That's where the fodder will naturally present itself.

Agent W said...

I like the motto..."keep on truckin"!!! Proud of you!

de-I said...

Alexis - Because of the really hot weather here the leeks don't start really doing well until things cool off.

Mike said...

I get worn out just reading about all of the things you do in a day. There certainly never seems to be a dull moment!