Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Working

Life has been mostly about work. That's a good thing. Work means income, means solvency and eating. All kinds of good things. But as an entrepreneur if you want more, you have to do more. Not a complaint, just a truism.

Now there are those who say, well you should stop and spend time doing this or that. But that's subjective. I know what I give up and why I give it up and what I expect in return for the things I give up. Lot's of people don't have that kind of awareness and as a result get very frustrated because they are spending lots of time where they don't want but not getting any of the things they do want. I call them clients :)

I do make a habit of grabbing the moment. For example, I am writing this in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico. I have 45 minutes to kill between appointments. I'm sitting outside a Starbucks, in 60 degree, beautifully dry weather in the sun, checking out the blogs, and it a few minutes I will be back in the game. This isn't bad!

Last weekend I did do one of my favorite longer hikes. I took some pictures but they look like the same pictures I posted the last few times I did it. It was wonderful nonetheless.

Enjoy your moments.


Anonymous said...

It's so great that you appreciate living where you do. I chose my current location more for the job than for the climate / city, but I'm pretty darn happy here too.

terri said...

You seem to be riding a very positive wave lately. I'm appreciative that you share your perspective here. Very valuable life lessons here....

Bernice said...

Isn't it interesting that at "our age" (I am allowed to say that when talking about myself) we continue to learn about ourselves and life and how to best enjoy it. Love your posts on this.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

You don't have to justify your lifestyle to us! I know the value of living more in the moment and not always putting the nose to the grindstone. It's just not worth it.

My security word, appropriately enough: untaxive

alexis said...

amen to all what the others said. said...

You have a wonderful way of putting things into perspective! A positive outlook makes all the difference in the world! So glad you added your post in a beautiful setting! God bless!!

Agent W & the Derf

Agent W said...

You have a special way of putting things into perspective! Glad you were able to take time to write this positive post in a special setting! it is a giid thing that a person enjoys what they do!!!

Anonymous said...

So jealous. I love hiking and wish there were more places to hike around here without traveling an hour to get there.

Unknown said...

You have a special way of putting things into perspective! Glad you were able to take the time in Santa Fe to share your positive thoughts! Yes, it is good when you like your job!

Unknown said...

You have a special way of putting things into perspective! Glad you were able to share your positive post with us while you were in beautiful Santa Fe! Liking one's job is indeed very important!

Mike said...

Glad to see everything is going so well for you. It's great to be doing what you love to do.