Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's That Time of the Year

No, no, no. Not the Holiday Season. What were you thinking.


We know this because we got a communique from Agent W that once again Aimee the Huntress has started off the season by putting the Suzuki of Mass Destruction into overdrive with three kills already to her credit! Two possums and chipmunk to date.

The de-I Roadkill Challenge gives all of you who wish to turn your autos into vehicles of extinction a chance to confirm our position as the apex predator in the ecosystem (at least until we extinct ourselves). The Roadkill season goes from November to March. Who ever succeeds in dispatching of the most non-sentient life forms in the course of their normal driving patterns (no off road driving executions are accepted) is the winner.

The reward for the winner is a dinner based entirely on the kills of the winner. Last year we feasted on venison, raccoon stew, and squirrel pie.

Ladies and Gentlemen - start your engines.


terri said...

I failed miserably last year, but I'll join the competition again this year. If I get something really big, like a deer, does that trump a bunch of little creatures?

de-I said...

Of course Terri. And you live in Minnesota so I expect nothing less than a moose!

Mike said...

Count me in. I have a new truck this year... I can do a lot more damage than I could last year in my little car. Watch out.

alexis said...

I can only hit tourists on my bike, I think that's a federal offense though.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Let the "games" begin !!

WeaselMomma said...

Who won last year?
I want to compete, but still have a record of 0 lifetime kills (and I swear I don't swerve to avoid the varmints). I'm such a slacker but love the roadkill challenge.

Anonymous said...

Do we have to dress it as well is kill it?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Damn, if only I had a motorized T-Rex. 20 rat kills in a month prior to my surgery.