Friday, September 20, 2024

Europe Fall 2024 - Vasto

It is our last day staying in Ortona. We decided to do a short day trip to a nearby town, Vasto we had considered for our stay research. We ultimately could not find a quality apartment rental that would meet our needs and so ended up in Ortona.

Vasto has a lot going for it. It's old town was spared the destruction during WWII places like Ortona received so there is a lot more authentically old stuff in it. It is about twice the size of Ortona and has a more lively, urban vibe. It is more a part of the tourist scene, so more activity even at this time of year. We enjoyed it a lot. But it won't be a place we can use as a long-term stay. There just isn't any acceptable housing anywhere close to where we would want to be. But it was a fun day trip nonetheless.

The Old Castle - Middle, Middle Ages in Time

 The Main Piazza of the Old Town

With mandatory fountain/running water shot


Main Square must have (at least) one statue



 There are buildings from the 11th through the 18th century. With as little time as we were there, we didn't really have time to get deeply into them all.

 There were opportunities for candid shots




 Candid shot of ocean side statue

 Mandatory Old Church (11th through the 13th Century) Interior (the interior is much newer I believe.

 Vast number of pictures while walking along the side overlooking the sea


 Other miscellaneous shots in the old town




Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Good thing you could check out and verify that this town was not a good fit. I really like that statue in the sea!

alexis said...

ah such a shame there are no places! It seems like it has so much else going for it