Sunday, September 15, 2024

Europe Fall 2024 - Ortona Exploration Continues

We were pretty exhausted from our day yesterday. But we still wanted to get out and do more exploring. Sunday is a time when most self-respecting Italians are eating a big meal at lunch either at home or out. But Wife and I needed a break from our heavy eating. And we didn't want to deal with having to make a reservation. I went to the supermarket, picked up a couple of things and cooked a soup of chicken, potatoes and zucchini for us to eat later.

Originally the weather prediction was for wind and rain. But it turned to be lovely. So we went out around midday and the town was virtually abandoned. It was such a nice relaxed time. All the cafes but one were shut. We went there, had a sandwich and a drink, and some gelato, and continued our walk. This is how we are getting the feel of whether this is a place we could come and spend more time.

 Wife in Contemplation

And what does Wife contemplate?

Architectural Scaffolding!

Of Course

 There is a veritable cornucopia of it here


Pictures of City's Famous Theater

Heroic theater statue

Statue honoring hometown noted composer Tosti.

I think those are supposed to be a chorus around him. 

They look like they are being tortured to me.

Miscellaneous Buildings

Follow the Blue Brick Road to the Sea


In a country that has produced the Medici, the Borgia, Machiavelli, and the like OF COURSE you have special walk ways for the Sinister



Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

A blue brick road! Very intriguing.

alexis said...

looks like you have had amazing weather