Sunday, September 29, 2024

Europe Fall 2024 - Returning Home - On To El Campello

Throughout the last three weeks of posting, I've talked about trying to find another place other than the two we've already identified for potential long-term stays. That testing period has ended. Yesterday, we flew to Alicante, Spain and drove to one of the two places we've identified, El Campello. 

Like all such transfers, it was tiring. Getting to the Rome airport and dropping off our rental car (involving going into the wrong garage, figuring out how to exit said garage, going around to re-enter the airport and finding the correct garage), two flights, getting a new rental car, setting it up to drive and handle the GPS holder, driving to our new rental, getting checked in, getting some food. It was a tiring day.

BUT, there was this sense of relief and pleasure. Why? First there was a familiar, comfortable, and enjoyable feeling as soon as we entered into the beach side area of the town. Second, as soon as we got into the apartment and verified that the views were every bit as good as the pictures on the Airbnb website, we started to smile. Third, as we woke up this morning, opened windows, realized we could hear the ocean, see the ocean, be in a peaceful environment, our spirits soared. Fourth, as we checked out the apartment further, we realized just how many wonderful features it has which so few comparable short-term rentals do, we began to appreciate this could really be a relaxing time for us. Fifth, as we went out for our first walk on the waterfront, we were totally reminded that we are no longer in Italy. We had the clear view of the ocean, the openness, the vista. 

We will see how this all ages over the next four weeks. For the moment, I am feeling very full and joyful. I will go into a lot more detail about the community and the apartment as well. For the moment, here are some quick photos I took with my phone today to give you an idea of the ambiance.


alexis said...

I'm curious to learn more as you are there longer!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

It's really interesting that Spain and Italy manage their beaches so differently.