Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Europe Fall 2024 - Muggia Pictures

Muggia was quite the contrast to Caorle. It was far less touristy. It had no beach. But it was much older and had that Medieval feel Wife and I both like. Unfortunately, it is pretty small and really doesn't have anything other than the old town so not a place that will be place away from home for us.

Muggia is right outside of Trieste on the water, right across from the city's port


 The actual harbor of Muggia is small

 Turn 180 degrees and into the old city you go


 Mandatory 'Old Church'

Second 'Old Church'

Neat place offering 'real' Sicilian granita since 1907!


Despite this being an 'old town' there was quite a lot of color in it


 de-I - "Cat! You are going to be featured in my internationally acclaimed blog!"

 Cat - "Like I care."

 Offshore from our hotel that night...a freaking gigantic yacht

1 comment:

alexis said...

I'm enjoying the review of each city!