Thursday, July 18, 2024

Transition 8.5.3.b238.Alpha Version 2024

While researching this post by going back over all the posts I've made labeled 'Transition', I was a bit overwhelmed by the number of times I've proclaimed (like Star Trek) the 'Final  Frontier' of transitioning had been reached. Actually the last year or so, I've gotten much better at understanding and accepting that I never really 'transitioned' from one state to another. What happened is I left a steady state as a working adult and entered a state of near constant transitioning, hence the recent exposition and acceptance of de-I and Wife's life as a telenovela. So with our telenovela imagery firmly in mind let's delve into the latest plot twist.

I exposed in my most recent post the 'Other Project', the work I've been doing with the Rotary Club to End Human Trafficking. This project, the Economic Development Initiative (EDI), has energized our club like nothing I've seen since I joined the club. Here is the kicker. When I put together my initial ideas, I made a bold statement. I said, "For Economic Development in the areas we are targeting to truly work, we have to take a long, long term perspective. We must think in terms of generations." And I made an analogy of how long it took a tree sprout to become a mature giant. 

So with our club and its outside supporters buying into this, I began thinking, "How does one actually pull this off?" Well, one has to have an organization that has institutional memory, and a solid set of values that are lived and not talked about. You have to have all this institutionalized so it is not tied to any one individual. 

OOPSIE. This is where I realized that something was going to have to change significantly within my social impact efforts. To be blunt, up until now, I've had what might be called a lifestyle or vanity social impact enterprise. It was based on me without much thought as to what would happen after me. The evolution of Theodora Ghana Virtual Assistants and women in that program started to change that. But his new EDI program with its promises totally changed that. Now I was faced with the reality that for this program to fulfill its promise, there would need to be a managing entity that could survive without me.

In essence it means changing my 'lifestyle/vanity' non-profit into a genuine organization that can operate and promote the vision for many, many years to come. Not something I've ever done before. Sounds like yet another whole set of transitioning requirements.

Transition Bullet Train I am getting on board. 


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

It's definitely not a transition to a state where you work less... :)

alexis said...

this is a great self-reflection!