Sunday, July 7, 2024

Chocolate Mousse, A Gastronomic Poem

It is dark brown with crown of white like a mountain in winter. Atop the white are boulders of brown like the base.

I take my spoon and slowly push it through the layers. I have had this delicacy earlier in the week. I am determined to savor every bit of the experience. The feel is one of resistance. It is not soft or fluffy. It has substance. I very purposely take a small amount on my spoon getting all three elements.


I take it in my mouth. The first sensation is one of silky smoothness. As I push my tongue against it, that feeling is reinforced. There is a counterpoint between the thick creamy smoothness of the chocolate mousse, and the softer silkiness of the whipped cream. My teeth feel the strong resistance of the chocolate chunks and nuts sprinkled on the top. I smooth the whole mixture across my tongue.


The flavor is intense chocolate. It borders on that bitterness one gets from the strongest of chocolates, but the creaminess and sweetness mellow it out.


How slowly can I eat and savor this, this labor of love from Wife? I intersperse my tastes with sips of cognac.


No matter how slow I go, it will be too fast and it will disappear except for the sweet memory and appreciation of her artistry.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

You are lucky to live with such an artist of desserts.

alexis said...

chocolate mousse is delicious and even moreso when it is made by a loved one.